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Does Dropping a Paddle in the Non-Volley Zone Impact the Rally?

Writer's picture: Davion BellingerDavion Bellinger

In this scenario, one player missed the return shot and dropped their paddle into the Non-Volley Zone (NVZ) while their partner successfully hit the ball over the net, winning the rally. So, does the NVZ infraction by the player who dropped their pickleball paddle impact the outcome of the rally, even though their partner’s shot was successful?

The NVZ Rule Breakdown

The rule is clear: when a player makes a volley and anything on their person (paddle, hat, sunglasses, towel, etc.) falls into the NVZ as a result of that volley, it constitutes a fault. However, in this case, the player did not volley the ball; they missed their shot, which means they didn’t initiate contact that would be subject to the NVZ fault rule. Instead, it was their partner who stepped in and completed the shot successfully.

Because the partner hit the ball cleanly and did not contact the NVZ themselves, there is no fault on their part. The missed shot and paddle drop into the NVZ by the first player does not qualify as a fault since they did not actually make contact with the ball to begin with.

Rule 9.H states:

"If a player’s momentum causes the player or anything the player is wearing or carrying to touch the non-volley zone or non-volley line after hitting a volley, it is a fault."

This rule specifically addresses faults when a player’s momentum causes any item they’re wearing or carrying to enter the NVZ after a volley. Since the player in your scenario didn’t make contact with the ball (i.e., there was no volley from the NVZ), Rule 9.H does not apply. The player’s partner’s shot won the rally, as there was no infraction caused by a volley.

Fahrbach kids
Photo by George Buggs

In summary: The rule requires a volley to be in play for a fault to occur due to equipment entering the NVZ. In your case, since no volley was made, the point goes to the team who successfully returned the ball.

Conclusion: Rally Outcome

Since there was no volley made by the player who dropped their paddle in the NVZ, no fault applies. Therefore, the rally stands, and the point goes to the team of the player who successfully returned the shot. Your opponent’s team lost the rally fair and square.

Key Takeaway for Players

Dropping equipment in the NVZ only impacts the rally if a player has volleyed the pickleball first. Simply dropping a paddle (or any other item) in the NVZ without hitting the ball does not constitute a fault and does not affect the rally outcome.

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Oct 30, 2024
Rated 5 out of 5 stars.

Davion, you make this so easy to understand! Thanks!

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